DSC_0076    The Tema Committee hosted its Experience of Ghana cultural sampling on Saturday, March 12 at the Murray Center.

DSC_0070Taking place in the ballroom – everything was decorated with an African theme.

DSC_0079Entertainment was provided by Autumpan

DSC_0116Guests sampled traditional fare prepared by the staff of Taste ‘n See

DSC_0103More than 130 attended and had a grand time

DSC_0102Tema Committee members Gloria Hagans and Sarah Peoples Perry greeted guests as they entered the room and sold many raffle tickets!

DSC_0118Immediate Past President Dave Lannetti, Tema Committee member Marie Pierre Myrick, PassPORT Committee Chair Janis Weisberg and Gloria Hagans take a moment to pose for the camera.

DSC_0129Many guests got into the mood by donning traditional clothing!